Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chocolate + Marshmallow

Woof. Been a while. :-/ School kinda took over my life for a hot second! But I finally made some cupcakes today. Two of my little cousins helped me with a school project so I said I would pay them in cupcakes. :) They ended up wanting to help me make the cupcakes so it turned into a little cousin baking adventure, it was super fun. :)

So, the original plan was to make Red Velvet cupcakes because that's what Amanda requested.. and well I promised her I would make her cupcakes for Valentines Day. But... when I was at Meijer there was no red food coloring OR buttermilk to be found.. the two ingredients I didn't have that I needed! I had to quickly come up with plan B while I was at Meijer. I googled marshmallow frosting on my phone and settled on a chocolate cupcake with marshmallow frosting. Now, I'm not sure if I am just amazing at making cupcakes or if people just tellme they are the best for funsies. ;) But they turned out pretty darn good and were rather easy too! I love good cupcakes that are easy!! I got the chocolate cupcake recipe here and didn't change a think. Rachel Ray hooked me up with the marshmallow frosting recipe, here. I cut the recipe in half which turned out to be a great idea because it made plenty. So, here's what they look like. I love them, they are so cute. :P

As far as running, Megan and I did a 6.7 mile run this week in the snow and slush. It was super fun and relatively easy. Megan is pretty much my perfect running partner because we are about the same height and have endless things to talk about. Running for an hour and 15 minutes was a breeze... aside from the cold wind and soaked shoes. :P

So... do you ever feel like you are so freaking busybusybusy and your life is just crazy because you have so much going on and you are so disconnected and don't even have 2 seconds to slow down!? Yeah. that's me. And Rob's teaching on Ecclesiates 4 pretty much confirmed something I have been thinking about doing for a long time. My weeks fly by because my schedule is so packed. I can easily go 3 weeks without talking to or seeing really great friends. This is not okay for me. Ecclesiates 4v6 says "Better is one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind." Right now, I have two handfuls. I am disconnected. I am busybusybusy. I am stressed. I am chasing after the wind. And I want one, peaceful, tranquil, still handful. I am done teacher assisting from 8-1130, working from 12-5 at job one and then working from 530-12am at job two. Fridays, you will never look like this again. I want to live. I want to see people. I want to have relationships.. because after all.. relationships are FAR more important than money. So thanks, Rob Bell for teaching on Ecclesiates 4 and making me realize how stuffed full my two handfuls are.

Are both of your hands stuffed full? Making fists just to hold onto everything?

Grace & Peace Friends!