Thursday, January 6, 2011

Here goes nothin'...

Alright, so literally... here goes nothin'. You see, I have only "blogged" for class, minus on measly attempt to blog a couple years ago... and I kind of think blogging is cheesy but I also think it is a really great creative outlet, something many of us need. I am naturally a really creative person and because my life is extremely busy with teaching, working two jobs and training for a half marathon I don't get much time to paint or draw so here we are... blogging.

I have an odd obsession with running. I ran my first race in 2009 and have ran 7 others since. If you ask me, they are addicting. :P I also love sweets, oddly though... I love to make my sweets more than I like to eat them. I love eating them too, don't get me wrong but really, my joy stems from making them and giving them to others. Partially because I love to make people happy with food and partially because the quicker they are out of my house and in the hands of others the less likely I am to eat all of them. :)

So, this blog... I am not quite sure what it is going to be. Probably some updates on my training for the Bayshore Half Marathon in May, some cool exercises, healthy recipes and of course the cupcakes I am going to so desperately try to make weekly. (along with recipes) So friends, be ready to eat cupcakes because I'm gonna make them... and bring them to you!

Oh, and I might blog about some cool things Jesus is teaching me... because he is pretty cool. And well, let's start with that...

My new years resolution was to read my Bible more and I was doing just that the other night. I am working my way through Ephesians right now, little by little and I have been writing about it too, just to help it soak in more.... but anyway... this verse in Ephesians 4 really stuck out as something I should read EVERY day.... it says: "Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." (Ephesians 4:29) I definitely feel like my words can be very harsh and hurtful sometimes, definitely not good and helpful to those who hear them, so here's to me trying to remember that my words need to be good and helpful... not foul or abusive.

Okay, FINALLY we get to talk about the cupcakes. I decided that Mocha Cupcakes would be really, really amazing... so what did I do? I googled just that! Good old google, never lets me down. :) I came across another blog with the amazing recipe. You can find it here. For the frosting, I made a coffee buttercream, and sadly I don't have a recipe because I just threw some butter, powdered sugar, milk, vanilla and coffee in the bowl and turned on the mixer. It didn't turn out as thick as I wanted because I ran out of sugar, but the flavor was good! :) And from what all my friends are saying, apparently... this is the best. cupcake. ever. :)

p.s - no picture this time. :)

toodles, grace + peace.

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