Thursday, April 14, 2011

amazing cake from a box and too many muscles.

no stress fracture.
that's the good news here... but the bad news is i have a raging case of tendonitis... in my ENTIRE foot. bughhhh! I shouldn't be surprised because well, I had it last year, ran a 15 mile race with it "stopped" running for a month and never let it heal... some how I thought i could easily train for a half marathon and it wouldn't come back. wrong.

do you workout your legs? with weights, etc?
Yea,.... don't.

i still haven't quite figured out how to react to your foot doctor telling you that your legs have enough muscles and they don't needmore. how is that possible?

more bad news.
no more strength training/intervals that include my legs, especially my calves. (quads might see a little)

apparently my legs are so tight due to muscle that it is making my tendons work harder in my foot. can't decide if this is good or bad.

even more bad news.
no bayshore half marathon. yes, i cried.

oh yea, I also tore? a nerve in my foot. awesome.

do you think God does returns? like I could just call him up and get a new foot?

good news!!
because I have to spend much less time working out my legs... I am determined to have rocking abs and some big guns. bomb diggity.

cake from a box? that is amazing?!
ummm yes. soo you see about 2 months ago my aunt came to town for a sunday dinner and with her she brought thiscake. and this cake.... as i described it that day is "better than the chocolate cake i just paid $6 for at Uccellos!!" (a SLICE of cake that is) This is the most amazing chocolate cake I've ever had and its from a BOX! way to go Duncan & Hines, you rocked my socks right off.

try not to drool.

just share what you've got and don't ask for anything in return.
I recently viewed this video on a friend's facebook wall. its about this pro skateboarder and how he went down this road with drugs and alcohol trying to fill this void and now he is reaching out to young kids in his community through skateboarding and other fun things. He found Jesus and realized that

his void is filled with love.

one thing he said that really stuck out is "just share what you've got and don't ask for anything in return."

this is what he does.

this is such a simple, simple concept. yet in the society we live in, every time we do something we stand there waiting afterwards, arms stretched out and hands wide open, just waiting for something in return.

this has seriously inspired me to live more like Jesus did. He did SO much for us. He bore OUR sins on the cross. He healed the blind, the sick, helped the needy and loved those who weren't loved. not once did he EVER, ever ask for anything in return. He loves unconditionally, even people who in our eyes don't deserve that kind of love. he just loves.

can you imagine living a life this way? never asking for things in return but simply giving what you've got?

what you've got could be ... listening ears, advice, guidance, an extra dollar, anything.. big or small. don't be discouraged and think you have nothing to give.. because we all do... because we were created by someone who is so, so, awesome.

i can't wait to be a teacher.

what do you have that is worth sharing?

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