Thursday, April 7, 2011

bow chicka wow wow bone scan suck

bone scan?
If you've never had a bone scan, don't be alarmed.. they don't hurt but it's just plain weird. I mean, I go to get my injection and the nurse rolls up with a solid steel box that is locked shut with a hazardous materials sticker on it... and here I am thinking... that's going in my BODY?! yea, it did. So, this bone scanis because of a potential stress fracture which also means I haven't ran in about 2-3 weeks, I can't quite remember... bottom line.. it SUCKS.

I cried.
I CRIED last friday because it was beautiful outside and I couldn't go for a run. I CRIED. I need to run emotionally more than physically. Something about running feeds my soul. I NEED it. This blows. I have been doing a lot of strength and random cardio but lets be serious here, I am so sick of the freaking bike and elliptical. I cheated and ran one lap on tuesday night, it felt like HEAVEN so yesterday I ran two laps (i know, moving up in the world. ;) ) and that felt amazing too, I could tell that more than anythingmy lungs are going to need help getting back on track.

I go back to the doctor on April 14th to review the bone scan, stupid head needed to take a spring break... come on dude, you're a doctor and I need to run... you don't get a vacation! I decided yesterday that I am going to do this half marathon, some how... not sure how... but it's going to happen. I am beginning to wonder if I really have a stress fracture, or if I am just saying that because I am really hoping I don't. bahhummbug.

On a happier note I am loving this strengthening stuff and I can really tell a difference.. woop woop!

rice&beans and oatmeal cookies.
So, if you know me you know I eat sort of weird things but lately my obsession has been with rice & black beans, of course with my homemade salsa verde and franks red hot. it's deeelicious if you haven't tried it. I usually do like a 1/2-whole cup of rice with the equivalent of beans. It's super filling and not that bad for you... win and win.
(tomatillos boiling for salsa verde!!)

so, i made salsa verde and i also made two kinds of oatmeal cookies. oatmeal cookies are my favorite, i think i like the batter the best. I am getting a lot more comfortable baking, i sort of follow a recipe but find myself adding random ingredients too. I'm gonna keep rolling with this until my cookies come out tasting like poo.

"My strength is all you need, my power works best in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

This verse means a lot lately, it's my favorite verse but with this whole no running thing, it has really been helping. As weak and blah as I feel because I can't run, I have to remember that His power is all I need and that it is strong enough to heal me, it's just actually letting myself let him heal me. I'm trying so hard to actually take it easy and not run, but this is one of the hardest things I've faced in the past few months.

so that's it. no running. no cupcakes.... but strength and cookies! how can you argue with that?
(i know you wish you were eating these!)

grace, peace and happy ellipticaling. (bugh) :)

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